

Building Resilience: 5 Vital Mental Health Practices for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is often seen as an exhilarating and ambitious venture. However, it's also a path involving significant stress, unforeseen challenges, and intense pressure. 根据 Startup Snapshot的一项研究, 72%  of entrepreneurs experience mental health issues related to starting a business, 比如高压力, 焦虑, 倦怠, 抑郁症, 以及惊恐发作.

心理健康月, 让我们来探索一下建立弹性的基本技巧, particularly for entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of building and sustaining a business.  We have included some insights from SCORE Twin Cities Mentor and Certified Life Coach 苏珊Livermore-Costa他经常与面临这些挑战的企业家合作.


A stable daily routine can significantly impact your mental health by creating a sense of normalcy and control. 企业家经常会陷入任务的旋风之中. Having a structured schedule helps manage these responsibilities and includes crucial downtime.

"Creating routine in your schedule gives your brain guidance, direction, and predictability.  When you do this, you will become more focused, efficient, and more relaxed," explains Susan.  “任何企业家都不希望这样,对吧?" 

考虑与SCORE导师集成一致的签入, 谁会定期提供专家建议和接地气, 也可以成为日常生活的一部分.


Clear boundaries between work and personal life are crucial for mental wellness. This might mean turning off notifications after hours or setting specific days aside for relaxation or family. 划定业务规划的具体时间, 确保工作不会影响你的个人生活.


她的建议是:在每周的开始, decide how much time you will allocate to work and your personal life.  Write down why you allocate "x" amount of time to your work and "x" to your personal life.  She encourages you to share your plan with others so they know what to expect from you this week.  Susan also suggests setting an alarm for when to stop work and start your personal life to help you stick to your plan. 

提醒自己为什么要在生活的各个方面花费时间.  这会给你一个坚持你的计划的理由.  You get to choose where you spend your time to create the balance you want in your life.  如果你坚持这样做, you will feel better about your time at work and in your personal life and become empowered to be more in control of where you spend your time.  你会开始更加相信自己.  你的整体生活将变得更加愉快,”她补充道.


你的身体健康直接影响你的心理健康. Activities like regular exercise, balanced eating, and sufficient sleep are fundamental. Entrepreneurs should treat these activities as non-negotiable appointments.

苏珊分享了一些简短的想法. “为了你的心理健康, 你可以在午餐前休息一分钟, 闭上眼睛, 深呼吸, 和思考, “我的思想是开放和放松的.“为了你的情绪健康, you could give yourself a smile and intentionally feel happy for a full minute after each task you complete throughout your day.  为了身体健康, 你可以做十个开合跳, 散散步, 或者午饭后伸展5分钟,她解释道.

The key is to make it easy and fun so that nurturing your overall well-being becomes an automatic routine in your life. Remember, caring for your body is an investment in your business's success. 


"Being stressed mentally and emotionally is a natural part of being an entrepreneur," says Susan.  "But when these stresses become more the norm than the occasional occurrence, it's a great time to consider reaching out to someone who can help you through the more challenging parts of the journey.”

就像你会向SCORE导师咨询业务建议一样, consider mental health professionals part of your essential support network. 他们可以提供有效管理压力的策略和工具.  Depending on your needs, Life Coaches like Susan can be a great resource, or consider a therapist.  

“记住,你不必独自面对.  Many people want to help you, but it is up to you to take the first step by reaching out.  You can choose a coach or mentor to help you ebb and flow through your daily life more smoothly or a therapist who can help you dig a little deeper to resolve deeper issues.  Reaching out and asking for help can get you through the tough times in life.  Just expressing what's happening in your life and how you are feeling often releases some of the tension."

有关明尼苏达州心理健康资源,请参阅 全国精神问题联盟 明尼苏达州.


创业之旅可能是孤独的, 但一个强大的支持网络可以减轻压力和孤立. This should include professional connections and personal support but also extend to peer networks of fellow entrepreneurs. SCORE excels in this area by facilitating networking events and peer learning opportunities where entrepreneurs can connect, 分享经验, 支持彼此的成长.

“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。.  寻求帮助可以让你从另一个角度看待事情, 提出新的想法, and learn some new tools to help you feel better and move through your day more easily,苏珊解释道。. "Many people want to help you; that's why they do what they do; you just need to reach out and ask for it so you can stop spinning on your own and start to move on with your life in a more pleasurable way."


企业家通常把他们的商业目标放在其他一切之上, but taking care of your mental health is crucial for sustaining personal fulfillment and professional success. 心理健康月, take a moment to reflect on your practices and consider how integrating SCORE resources and other wellness strategies can enhance your productivity and overall quality of life.

"Resilience comes from getting grounded in your purpose or WHY you are doing what you are doing.  Remembering your purpose and "why" will give you the 'juice' and energy to keep moving towards your goals,苏珊补充道.

"Remember, it takes time and energy to create what you really want in life.  Consider writing your 'why' on a sticky note and put it on your computer so you can read it each day to motivate you to keep going!  你得到了这个!"


Christie Denson | 科视丹森通讯
(952) 938-4570

版权所有©2024 SCORE Association, SCORE.org

部分资金来自与美国的合作协议.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

